Des Esseintes Takes a Dipso Apprentice in the Parking Lot of Liquor Mart
A synesthete’s invitation to intoxication.
Even his car was candy colored. Like it? He got it just last month, on a lease plan. He couldn't decide between the cherry red and the sour apple green. The lemon yellow was nice, too, but it wasn't on the lot. The blue was brand new for the year, which was reason enough to get it. Des Esseintes remembered that particular shade of electric from the first time around, when he wasn't a rich kid and didn't have a car at all. It took 20 years from sweet 16, but now he had the wherewithal to be the coolest kid in town. The years didn't show. He sported that East Coast preppie look. Those boys looked like grandpas from the get-go. Premise being, he supposed, that if you started old, you never aged. It was all just catching up. Des Esseintes would betray his youth with this car. All the kids would want to get in it. It would be like being inside a giant blue gumball, a big hole in a sugar crunch....
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